We have 8 featured posts from friends of ribbonfarm, 19 selections from elsewhere around the internet, and a few short takes this roundup. We also have a new addition to our friends-of-ribbonfarm blogsphere dragnet: foolproof.ink.
I just realized my approach to curation is basically the same as my approach to reading to fuel writing. You could call it Postel Curation: Be liberal in what you read, conservative in what you write (after Postel’s Law). I’ve unconsciously been trying to include at least 2x as many selections in the “Stuff We Read” bucket as opposed to the New Posts (== “Stuff We Wrote” bucket).
This roundup is a human-filtered subset of links and short takes aggregated by the Feed Fox bot authored by Zach Faddis, and running on the refactorcamp.org Mastodon instance. You can follow the bot directly if you want the unfiltered firehose.
New Posts
- The power of explanation ht Foolproof Ink. Link. ht @vgr
- War like posture and other metaphors by zenpundit. Link
- The problem with Lindy by @msweet. Link
- Redecentralize (event report) by @bkam. Link
- thematic tension by thesublemon. Link
- Goodbye and hello by @msweet. Link
- Playing Politics by srconstantin. Link
- Rupetta pre-read w/ Charlotte Geater: Folk tales & feminist histories (audio). by @adrianryan. Link
Comment on this post with your blog link if you want it monitored by Feed Fox for potential inclusion, along with your mastodon (preferred) or twitter handle.
Stuff we Read
- Whale ear wax and oceanic history .Link. ht @vgr
- Flash dance in support of euthanesia (video). Link. ht @machado
- The brain has 2 clocks, one for rhythms, one for experiences. Link. ht @vgr
- The predatory small-business lending industry .Link. ht @vgr
- The new Opportunity Zone tax laws allow for a lot of tax-minimization for the rich investor. Link. ht @Harry_Pottash
- 250 years later, benefits of education near Jesuit missions. Link. ht @dereklh
- Creative beefs. Link. ht @vgr
- Gandhi’s reputation is undergoing complexification. Link. ht @vgr
- On the origins of “Odinnic” sacrifice. Link. ht @msweet
- The African Middle Ages. Link. ht @dereklh
- The open office and the spirit of capitalism. Link. ht @dereklh
- Sweden’s Decades-Long Failure to Integrate. Link. ht @Elmkast
- Could poetry both freely create and rationally assert? Bonnefoy’s poetry. Link. ht @vgr
- Can toroid planets exist? Link. ht @nindokag
- Genetic error led humans to evolve bigger, but more vulnerable, brains. Link. ht @vgr
- Regenerative capitalism (paper). Link. ht @alec
- Environmentally mediated social dilemmas. Link. ht @makiaea
- Four laws of success and status. Link. ht @dereklh
- New Thomas Sowell interview. Link. ht @vgr
If you are on the refactorcamp mastodon instance, you can tag links #heyfeedfox so they’re picked up by Feed Fox.
Short Takes
- The apotheosis of NIMBYism would involve radical life extension. — @dereklh
- Opportunities for meaning are abundant. It’s sincerity of belief that is hard to come by. — @msweet
- The more you want to go against the flow, the more baggage you have to carry — @vgr
- Technology is human existence compounded. — @msweet
- The difference between a grand narrative and a narrative is that the former is where surplus middle-class attention preferentially flows — @vgr
- People think they have 20/20 hindsight. Actually most hindsight conclusions are just another theory that hasn’t been tested against reality yet. — @Harry_Pottash
If you are on the refactorcamp mastodon instance, you can tag short takes #heyfeedfox so they’re picked up by Feed Fox.
Hoping I can get the Feed Fox endorsement! lifeofapai.com